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Children begging
- The Duke (14th May 2024 - 06:18:25)
The last 2 days we have had upto 3 girls of Liphook Junior/Infant school knocking on several doors asking for money. There were NOT any parents/adults with them & I'm sure their parents are unaware what they are upto. They were all riding bicycles.
Re: Children begging
- Sam (14th May 2024 - 20:10:56)
Entrepreneurs are getting younger these days 😂
Re: Children begging
- Mason (14th May 2024 - 22:04:14)
They probably live in the social housing across from Sainsburys. If free housing wasn’t enough they’re begging now!
Re: Children begging
- Social housing resident (15th May 2024 - 07:13:52)
Mason I think that’s actually a really unreasonable response. I live in one of the “free social houses” (which by the way I pay for on a weekly basis!) and I can put my life on it that it is not the children round here! Why don’t you try looking at people that don’t actually take or collect their children from school. The school are well aware of this situation and a number of school parents also know who the children are that are doing it and as stated before it isn’t children who live in social housing! I really hope one day you or any member of your family don’t need help because you’ve been so critical about everyone else, you would let actually deserve it. Stop judging people before you have even met them!
Re: Children begging
- Steve Cooke (15th May 2024 - 08:07:57)
@ social housing residents. Unfortunately, for many of us long term residents of Liphook, we have noticed that since the influx of social housing in our village, anti social behaviour, drug and alcohol abuse, vandalism and street crime has increased massively in the area. I know it’s not all social housing residents but the facts remain clear, the social balance in the village has negatively changed in the last 10 years
Re: Children begging
- Mason (15th May 2024 - 11:05:10)
@ Social Housing Resident, are you trying to imply that those which work and support your lifestyle choice are bad parents as they are at work and use alternative means to carry out school collections? Don’t loose sight of the fact that it’s us tax paying people pay for your social welfare lifestyle choice and enable you to be able to turn up at the school gate in your pink tracksuit. You keeping lliving the life you can’t afford and we’ll keep working and paying for your laziness.
Re: Children begging
- Social resident (15th May 2024 - 16:45:57)
Mason, firstly you don’t pay for my house. I go to work daily, I pay the rent on my house weekly so sorry you don’t pay for my house. I’m not on any “benefits” so I would love to know how you’re finding my life style?
Secondly can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone turn up to school in a pink tracksuit….. think that may have been your era of “wannabe chavs”
Also I would just like to add that as a tax payer myself I’m also paying for YOU. Every time you go to the doctors or hospital make sure you remember that a tax payer living in social housing is paying for you :)
Re: Children begging
- Cassie (15th May 2024 - 20:19:50)
We had children round the back of our house in Tunbridge Crescent and when asked what they were doing they said did we want to buy a bracelet?! Didn’t see any evidence of the bracelets. A girl on a bike in Junior School clothing with 2 boys on foot. This was Monday evening about 6.15.
Re: Children begging
- Pete (16th May 2024 - 07:31:05)
Mason- The worst type of snob
Steve- I would suggest the decline has come since the tunnel has opened and the village became a commuter town (about 13yrs ago)
Re: Children begging
- Steve C (16th May 2024 - 10:17:46)
Sorry Pete you are wrong. If you walk around the Silent Garden estate the difference in values between owner occupied and social housing is obvious. Inconsiderately parked vehicles, discarded Sainsburys shopping trollies and women walking around at midday in their dressing gowns having a communal vape. And just look at the state of the properties and gardens. And the anti social behaviour of the kids in the play park is horrific, I know as I witness it every day!
Re: Children begging
- Mason (16th May 2024 - 16:47:54)
Totally agree with you Steve. We live in Oak Park and you can see the distinct difference in houses where people are paying the mortgage and concerned about their value and the ones where “affordable housing tenants” are being sheltered with their antisocial families.
Re: Children begging
- Richard (16th May 2024 - 18:02:17)
@ Social housing resident. It almost sounds like you’re proud of your social housing status. Is this now a measurement of one’s success? Social housing used to be there for people who had fallen on hard time through no fault of their own but now it’s a way of raising unplanned and unaffordable families and those too lazy to work for a living.
It’s a shame and embarrassment to the UK as to how standards have fallen so far in only a few generation's!
Re: Children begging
- Polly (16th May 2024 - 18:33:46)
I’m not sure it is fair to paint all home owners as honest, responsible, respectable people who look after their properties and have well behaved children, whilst suggesting the opposite is true of those in social housing. These are rather sweeping viewpoints and statements from both points of view.
I know of some super lovely people/families who live in social housing. They work extremely hard to pay their rent and bills and do look after their homes. Their children are bought up with great values. On the flip side, some of the areas that are regarded by some as the ‘nice areas’ of the village to live in have houses that look shocking and in need of repair!! Their children are not perfect either. Children will be children after all.
Regardless of where you live, if you have social housing in the vicinity, or if you don’t, you always get a mix of people, some of whom you may wish weren’t your neighbours. Remember though, they probably feel the same about you! 😊
Re: Children begging
- Resident (16th May 2024 - 18:41:34)
Being in social housing and pointing out you are in social housing is not a free pass for empathy. Most people are paying whatever they can for housing these days, so if that levels it out then I'd expect anyone making a small or big payment to take pride in their area.
The problem is more likely those who get everything free. They won't value it.
Re: Children begging
- BK (17th May 2024 - 06:53:36)
Maybe just call the police next time it happens.
Re: Children begging
- Sam (17th May 2024 - 13:50:14)
Calling in an underfunded police service sounds like overkill, unless you suspect a serious safety issue with those kids, even then there are other services probably more appropriate yet equally underfunded.
Perhaps the next time children come begging to your door maybe ask them if they really need help, are they starving and need food, ask them where their parents are and if everything is ok, and work out if they are just on a opportunistic wind up, if so tell them they shouldn’t be doing it.
I doubt those kids needed the money, they probably just thought it was a good idea and they could pick up a few quid to blow on sweets, whilst they shouldn’t be doing it it’s not likely a police matter.
Re: Children begging
- Joe (18th May 2024 - 08:08:32)
I am surprised that the above poster does not know what serious danger girls under the age of 11 might be in, by randomly knocking on the doors of complete strangers, they are obviously taking other risks as well if they have no fear of doing that.
Re: Children begging
- Mason (18th May 2024 - 20:19:10)
@ social housing resident, with the warm weather commencing it’s easy to see the social welfare houses with the chairs in the front gardens, overly sized paddling pools and clothes lines all out in full display cheapening the area even more.
Never a truer word said Richard with regards since when did social housing resident status become something to be proud of.
Re: Children begging
- Paul (23rd May 2024 - 02:35:17)
Oh dear, reading all the comments on here is sounding like it is an episode of "Keeping up Appearances"
Mason, your vocabulary comes from a bygone era when many Hyacinth's voiced their conservative views, I suggest you keep up with the times old boy, no doubt you voted for Brexit and believe every person in Liphook should be a a private householder. I own my house but have met many lovely social housing tenants who through no fault of their own cannot afford a mortgage, their gardens are very well kept and their children well spoken. Perhaps it escapes your attention but the world has changed since you were a lad. Please be so kind as to not tar every social housing tenant with the same brush as you seem to do. Dare I say it but Oak Park and Silent Garden private properties are in the upper echelon of pricing, it is relatively impossible for a lot of people to get on the housing ladder as under the Conservatives since 2010 the country has fallen apart.
I am so glad not every private householder older in Liphook is not of the view of Steve and Mason, perhaps their views should be consigned to a time when England had the Raj rather than pontificate at a time when people are suffering with the cost of living which may I say includes everybody not just the social housing families
Re: Children begging
- Mason (23rd May 2024 - 14:30:25)
Hi Paul, social housing recipient used to be for a short time when someone had fallen on hard times usually through no fault of their own. It’s the baby factory recipients which we object to. There should be sterilisation offered after these people pop out one when they can’t afford another to help them help themselves!
Re: Children begging
- Mason (23rd May 2024 - 17:25:53)
Hi Paul by the way I’m a self respecting male in his late 20’s not some old person. You should only be allowed to take if you’ve paid in for a period of time! Better spending of public monies to provide sterilisation and the snip for those in society who can’t manage themselves and their lives.
Re: Children begging
- Richard (23rd May 2024 - 20:44:54)
Well said Mason old boy this is Hampshire after all. Poor people should be shipped up north so they may have more of their own kind around them. These unfortunate freeloading baby factories need to shut down.
Re: Children begging
- er (23rd May 2024 - 20:59:17)
It's alright Mason, I'm sure most of us thought you were young, personally I'd have guessed about 15 because you sound like me at that age, shocking lack of empathy for those whose lives aren't working out as ours😂
Seriously though, a safety net is there for those who have fallen on hard times, in this country it's not based on what you've paid in but it's purely on a needs basis, ie refugees first (due to their trauma and lack of community in the UK they couldn't be expected to survive on the streets) then single mums, disabled etc, after that people are more and more prepared to cope with homelessness, single men most of all, I'm just wondering how you would dish social housing out differently?
Re: Children begging
- Ian (24th May 2024 - 07:56:45)
Social housing should be a privilege not a right! Too many people in social housing don’t give a damn about the property they live in or their neighbours and blight the areas they are housed in. Housing associations need to be empowered so that if tenants do not look after the property they are given, or are a nuisance to their neighbours, they can be evicted. Welfare should come with conditions and if those conditions are not met then there should be consequences
Re: Children begging
- D (24th May 2024 - 15:50:15)
Mason, let's hope you don't need medical treatment any time soon. The amount you've paid in at your age wouldn't go far. Would you tell the hospital to stop your treatment when you've reached a certain figure? I don't think so. In your favour though, should we really be providing children with food in school holidays while their parents can still afford their fags? You may have a point there even though your skills in tact and diplomacy need a bit of refinement.
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