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Residents meeting, Wednesday 24th April, 7.30pm
- Bramshott & Liphook Parish Council (15th Apr 2024 - 12:42:24)
We are holding our annual meeting for all residents on the 24th April at the Liphook Millennium Centre.
The meeting is for you to hear and ask questions about our plans for this year, how we spend your money and how you can get involved.
There will be an opportunity for you to meet your parish, district and county councillors.
We are also very fortunate to have a guest speaker, Dr Andy Moffat, who will be talking about how we look after our green spaces for the 21st century and how residents might play a greater part.
Refreshments will be served following the meeting.
We look forward to welcoming you there.
For more information, please contact council@bramshottandliphook-pc.gov.uk or visit our website bramshottandliphook-pc.gov.uk
Re: Residents meeting, Wednesday 24th April, 7.30pm
- Paul (15th Apr 2024 - 20:48:06)
Fix roads and take cameras down no one knows about
Clear up dog shit and fine owners
Re: Residents meeting, Wednesday 24th April, 7.30pm
- Paul2 (16th Apr 2024 - 15:17:36)
I have to admit my name sake bluntly but perfectly summed up what should be a solid message from residents to the Council. Genuinely - please take forward those items and report back here as to what (if anything) will change.
Re: Residents meeting, Wednesday 24th April, 7.30pm
- M (16th Apr 2024 - 17:29:02)
Totally agree with Paul and Paul2 but unfortunately none of the issues listed are the responsibility of BLPC:
Fix roads....... responsibility of Hampshire County Council
....... and take cameras down no one knows about...... BLPC state they are nothing to do with them, but haven't advised anyone who is responsibly for them?
............Clear up dog shit and fine owners .......... obviously the responsibility of the owners to clear it up, not BLPC, but unless it's on BLPC land it would be the responsibility of East Hants District Council.
The above shows how ridiculous the layers of local government are, and why how inefficient and expensive anything to do with local government is !!!
Re: Residents meeting, Wednesday 24th April, 7.30pm
- Bramshott & Liphook Parish Council (16th Apr 2024 - 17:49:46)
The cameras that have been discussed here are not cameras we have put up. We are currently separately rolling out Speedwatch cameras but these will be accompanied by signs so you will know what they are.
With regards roads, Hampshire Highways are responsible for this and not the parish council. You can report problems and track solutions here:
With regards dog bins, then some of them are looked after by us and some by EHDC depending on their location.
Do come along to the meeting and ask any questions.
Re: Residents meeting, Wednesday 24th April, 7.30pm
- Simon (17th Apr 2024 - 08:18:43)
And there friends, in one moment, is local government at it's finest.
"We will empty this dog bin here, but not that one over there. That's someone else's job".
How about a parish council that just gets on with what needs doing to create a nicer place for everyone?
Re: Residents meeting, Wednesday 24th April, 7.30pm
- M (17th Apr 2024 - 08:42:16)
Seems I was correct in my thoughts on "responsibilities" ??
BLPC thanks for confirming how local government works but you haven't advise those of us who are interested who have actually installed the cameras and for what reason.
As a parish council surely you have the authority to ask EHDC and HCC those questions, along with SSE as the cameras appear to of been installed on the lamps posts that they have responsibility to maintain.
Looking forward to hearing the outcome of your enquiries.
re: Residents meeting, Wednesday 24th April, 7.30pm
- Bramshott & Liphook Parish Council (17th Apr 2024 - 09:33:50)
The parish council have contacted all the authorities, including Hampshire County Council, East Hampshire District Council and SSE, to find out who has put the cameras up but we have had no success so far.
Re: Residents meeting, Wednesday 24th April, 7.30pm
- Paul2 (17th Apr 2024 - 12:19:01)
@BLPC - how about don't bother wasting tax payers money on speed cameras for one or two oiks as thanks to potholes most motorists are reduced to crawling speeds and zig-zagging around the road to avoid costly tyre/wheel/suspecsion damage?
Read the room - everyone is struggling financially these days in one form or the other. Revenue grabbing is regressive. Improve infrastructure, repair and maintain, provide facilities for people of all ages. Reduce local government bureaucracy and find ways of removing layers of ineffective admin that ends up being paid for by the tax payer.
Re: Residents meeting, Wednesday 24th April, 7.30pm
- M (17th Apr 2024 - 15:39:02)
Thanks BLPC for the update.
Please keep all those interested in the loop if/once you do obtain any more information.
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