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Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- BeeJay (16th Sep 2023 - 11:54:44)

Just had my Covid & Flu jabs. Had to wait in a queue for just under 1hr. Why give a time when they had no intention to keep to it. Some lady came round offering chocolates (I am diabetic), would have been more useful to have offered sun lotion. I was wondering who organized this, they seem to have forgotten who the customer is. Would they be prepared to queue for an hour to get fuel for their car !!

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Alan (16th Sep 2023 - 12:20:58)

Just back from our jabs. About 40 minute delay.

Spoke to the marshalls after, apparently they were down by 2 injection stations this morning. I assume staff illness.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- paul (16th Sep 2023 - 12:29:35)

Well done to the LIDBA volunteers helping to organize the mass vaccinations today. Also to the medical staff on duty to administer the vaccines, a job well done.
I parked my car, waited only 30 minutes, got both jabs, and was home.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- er (16th Sep 2023 - 12:33:41)

If they had an electric car, yes they would wait hours!

I'm sure they're trying their best, I think a lot of them are (or were) volunteers, personally like most I'm no longer having the COVID one, not sure one risk is worse than the other right now, if things get bad again I'll reconsider, so at the moment taking my chances like many, but respect to those volunteering, it's good we live in a country where we still have the option without pressure and a functioning (for the moment) NHS!

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- N.B (16th Sep 2023 - 13:53:36)

I had booked for 8am. Yes there was a queue for appx 10mins ,
but very well organized pharmacist giving my vaccs was excellent. Extremely well organized

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Jo (16th Sep 2023 - 16:03:52)

OP thinks they are '...the customer...'?!! Good grief - did you pay for your jabs? Did you give up your whole day to help others? What a nasty entitled attitude

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- passfield resident (16th Sep 2023 - 16:15:00)

Pleased to get my jabs this morning. The people at the surgery ( including some volunteers) were great. I don't think of myself as a customer with regard to the health service and I don't have a hissy fit when I have to queue. Also very kind of someone to offer chocs and apologise for the wait

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Sam (16th Sep 2023 - 18:51:07)

Alot of Medical staff left the country as they where made to feel unwanted the rest whom remain are underpaid and overworked, all of this due to making voting available to people whom read the Daily star.

No 7pm round of applause for the people whom provided your jab this time ?

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- M (17th Sep 2023 - 09:04:27)

We or most of us have paid into the system all of our working lives and so we are “customers “,many of whom are already taking their custom elsewhere spending hard earned savings just to get an appointment and treatment.

I haven’t been able to get an appointment at Station road surgery ,for months,held for too long on the phone and even called in to make one. Told there aren’t any,even in two weeks time.Make of that what you will,but truly shocking.

Still haven’t got an appointment after being diagnosed with high blood pressure and a family history of strokes, no appointment.!
Appallingly bad customer care,since they are now part of the Swan group care has gone out of the window.
I have paid all my working life for a shoddy so called service.
I will be taking it further if I live long enough.
BTW they also don’t respond to complaints.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Les (17th Sep 2023 - 10:59:58)

I had my flu and covid jabs yesterday at the Station Road Surgery, and was very pleased to receive this service.

Yes, I did have to wait about an hour in the pleasant autumn sunshine with people who were mostly happy, patient and appreciative. And there were some moaners too, as expected. The medical staff and the 'marshals' were doing a great job with good humour in trying circumstances.

The doctor who jabbed me said the take-up was far higher than estimated, and apologised for the delay. He said it is difficult to predict the demand, when the appointment system often overestimates wildly due to no-shows. The good weather probably paid a role in the high turnout.

From me, thanks to all concerned.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Tess (17th Sep 2023 - 12:33:30)

Thank you to everyone at Newton Surgery who gave up their Saturday and undertook the vaccination program. Things may not have gone exactly to plan but the staff and volunteers were doing their best to ensure we are kept as healthy as possible over the winter period.I am grateful for the offer of the service and to everyone involved.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Steve (17th Sep 2023 - 13:28:49)

Whilst I obviously can't speak for M's experience, I have to say that the Swan groups approach to access seems to work very well.
If I phone my own surgery before 12, I always receive a call back from a Doctor on the same day for a telephone consultation. On a couple of occasions recently the Doctor has decided that he needs to see me and I have never waited more than a couple of days for the face to face appointment.
Usually a bit of a wait to get through on the telephone but even that has improved lately. All in all a very good level of service.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- beejay (18th Sep 2023 - 12:37:02)

Thank You M. I agree with everything you have said.
Jo. Do you realize that The Swan medical group is A business not the NHS. I believe that they are getting paid £7.54 for every Covid jab that they do. Also do you know that the average earnings for the doctors on the Swan medical group is £124,325 before tax. That's for 7 full time doctors and 10 part time doctors.
I wasn't knocking the volunteers, who as always did a brilliant job. But the organisation was terrible.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- passfield resident (18th Sep 2023 - 17:07:35)

Beejay-do tell us how you would have organised vaccinating so many people in such a short time

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Polly (18th Sep 2023 - 18:12:07)

Bee jay do you realise that GP surgeries haven’t been part of the NHS for a VERY long time. They are businesses that have a contract with the NHS to provide services to their communities. They have ever growing populations due to constant building, and by the way the surgeries have no say on whether they can cope with the extra residents or not! They don’t whinge and complain. They just get on with what must be a very difficult job.

Be thankful that we have such a great service. And Beejay if you don’t consider the service up to par, you could always vote with your feet!

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- B (18th Sep 2023 - 19:23:13)

I’d like to give a big thanks to the staff and doctors on Saturday. The volunteers in attendance were magnificent.

I was in the queue for an hour and a bit,

The lesson BeeJay needs to learn is that you have choices, you could have sucked it up and joined the queue or rebooked your appointment to another time, you didn’t have to make a poor choice then come on to social media to rant about the poor choice that you made, that’s just plain ignorant.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Mary W (18th Sep 2023 - 22:47:01)

I understood I had booked an appointment for my jab for 11.15. and was dismayed to find a huge mass of people ‘queuing’ down to the road. I couldn’t wait as I had a hospital appointment in Guildford less than two hours later and couldn’t risk missing it. In any case, I couldn’t physically queue for a long time as I have mobility problems.

Wonder why they didn’t say it wasn’t really an appointment?

I have re booked at a chemist tomorrow.

Previous appointments for Covid vaccinations in Bordon and Chichester have gone like clockwork. I wonder if perhaps they are getting a bit greedy and trying to squeeze too many in the time available? Disappointing.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Debbie (19th Sep 2023 - 08:16:27)

Below is a message on the Swan Surgery Facebook page. I went along yesterday morning and there were 3 people in front of me and I had a 5 minute wait (if that!)

Our Flu/Covid Walk-In service will be open from tomorrow morning, Monday 18th Sept 2023!

If you are eligible & would like to be vaccinated, please come along to one of our surgeries below.

Swan: 9am-12pm Every weekday

Liphook Village: 9am-12pm Mondays, Wednesdays & Friday

Liss: 9am-12pm Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- beejay (19th Sep 2023 - 08:50:32)

Passfield resident. The last time that they had a mass vaccination, they put up some large tents in the car park. Waited for 5 minutes. Ran like clockwork.

Polly. Please read the posts if you wish to participate. I had already said that GP surgeries are a business. They have been since 1948 when the NHS was formed.
As for voting with my feet, where do you suggest ? The Swan Group appear to be taking over all of the local surgeries.

B. I have often been asked not to miss appointments. That's what I thought I had been given.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Steve (19th Sep 2023 - 10:50:21)

Did you have both Covid and Flu jabs?
The Village Surgery website suggests that the walk in clinics are only for the flu inoculation.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Debbie (19th Sep 2023 - 11:26:49)

Hi Steve, I had both. I had been sent a text before hand to offer me both.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- M (19th Sep 2023 - 12:37:22)

Which alternative surgery do you suggest?

Bordon surgeries are not accepting new patients and Petersfield is outside of the catchment,you can check that on EHDC site,as is Alton.
Answers on the back of a stamp!

Swan appears to have a monopoly are more business minded in their approach and the front of house team,ie reception are particularly unhelpful and uncaring.
Anyone lucky enough to get an appointment well done you,the rest of us are locked out of the shambolic system.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Polly (19th Sep 2023 - 14:06:02)

Hi BeeJay & anyone else who is interested,
For info Haslemere Health Centre are accepting new patients and are within catchment. I did a postcode search before you ask on the nhs website.
Also accepting new patients but outside of catchment, are Grayshott Surgery, Fernhurst Surgery, Badgerswood Surgery & Pinehill Surgery. Despite being outside a catchment area surgeries are sometimes open to taking patients, especially if they are very close to a boundary. It may be worth an ask.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- M (19th Sep 2023 - 23:36:27)

If you check all of the surgeries you mentioned they are not accepting new patients out of region.
Haslemere & Fernhurst are not accepting new patients, Liphook is outside of the boundary!

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Jen (20th Sep 2023 - 08:44:06)

I booked an early time slot for vaccination for Saturday 7th October, assuming that it would take no more than 10 minutes and I could then go back home in time for breakfast. I'm going out later that morning. If there's a massive queue, I won't have the time to wait around. I'm wondering whether to cancel the "appointment" and just try my luck at one of the drop-ins.

I'm astonished that "B" thinks it's acceptable to wait around for an hour when one has pre-booked an appointment. Sure, at a drop-in there could be a long wait if lots of people show up at the same time, but one doesn't expect that when a specific appointment time has been arranged.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Beejay (20th Sep 2023 - 08:52:59)

Polly I can confirm M's post. I have a friend who has moved from Haslemere to Liphook. He has had to register with The Swan Group as the Haslemere practice told him that he had moved out of their area.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- J (20th Sep 2023 - 09:40:13)

40 min wait in the wind and cold, still not finished. Villiage Surgery appears to be a good place to “catch flu”. Why can’t they develop a decent process without exposing the elderly to excessive risk?

Re: polly - haslemere surgery
- Jenny (24th Sep 2023 - 09:31:03)

Hi Polly - i was with Haslemere for 40 years - and was "banished" last nov beause i was OUT of the catchment area - just over boundary into Liphook. i have MS and this caused much distress as i had built up great doctor/patient relationships - i still dont feel i belong - in a practice where no one knows me - feel very vulnerable at this late stage of my life - 80.

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- jenny (26th Sep 2023 - 11:36:04)

sat morning - in - jabbed - out- 5 mins

great organisation

Re: Covid injections, Station Rd Surgery
- Richard (26th Sep 2023 - 13:49:10)

I was with Haslemere, when they were at Well Lane in Haslemere, under the care of Dr Richards. I was instructed to move to a new practice as Liphook was outside their catchment area, and despite me never needing a home visit. After more than half a century of belonging to the practice, I felt I had been treated badly.

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