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Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Kate (15th Jun 2023 - 06:22:39)

May I bring to all of your attention please the disgraceful actions of the owners of the lorry’s/scrap cars always parked in the lay-by opposite the junior school on the longmoor road.I am out raged !!! The vehicles are dangerous with jagged edges and also no MOT and Tax.Us parents find it difficult to park as it is !!!! It is a accident waiting to happen at school times. Not to mention the lingering smell of cannabis coming from the vehicles. I doubt they have the relevant insurance either as they always hide their number plates. I hope the owner/s do the right thing and think of the children and their parents and park some where else legally ,they just can’t take up the whole lay-by with lorry’s and scrap cars parked nose to nose hiding their plates ,it is not meant for scrap car dealers it is meant for road legal vehicles to park for the school . It is very inconsiderate

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Anne (15th Jun 2023 - 07:17:19)

Why moan on here - report it to the police especially if you can smell drugs.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Dave (15th Jun 2023 - 08:09:18)

Unfortunately the owners are members of that community that ignore the law, intimidate officials and claim ‘special’ rights and certainly will not be considerate to the general public. Options are very limited I’m afraid!

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Joe (15th Jun 2023 - 09:44:10)

A lay-by is a lay-by I doubt it was created especially for parents if the vehicles are illegal report to the relevant authorities.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Joyce (15th Jun 2023 - 13:16:56)

I agree. It is an accident waiting to happen. The more people that report it to the Police the more likely something will be done about it.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Merrideth (15th Jun 2023 - 15:03:22)

The police are well aware

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- M (15th Jun 2023 - 16:20:57)

You should report it to EHDC as abandoned cars/vehicles on the public highway.
Takes an age for them to react and move them but it is the correct process. The police do not get involved in abandoned vehicle.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (15th Jun 2023 - 19:01:35)

I need help here, "the layby opposite the junior school on Longmoor Road". Is this the layby adjacent to the footpath leading to the infant/junior schools?

This is Google StreetView - Longmoor Road layby

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (15th Jun 2023 - 19:39:47)

Thanks Ed.
This picture would appear to have been taken at school start/finish time given the amount of children in the picture. I'm more concerned about the standard of parking by some of the parents here. How can anyone claim to be concerned about the safety of the children when there is a vehicle parked in front of the field gate which will have to reverse onto a main road. At least any abandoned vehicles here appear to be correctly parked. There are also vehicles parked on the grass verge which is not for parking on. Are we sure these are abandoned? Why leave it here when you could sell it to the excellent scrap metal merchant half a mile down the road. The biggest hazard to children in this picture is their own parents parking.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- BigKev (15th Jun 2023 - 23:56:09)

We can all take photos /screen shots and post on social media my freind. Fact is it’s not a nice thing to do is it where little children go to school. It’s quite gutless and ignorant... your making the parking harder with your 2-3 recovery trucks and scrap cars

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Joe (16th Jun 2023 - 06:49:34)

The photo was taken by Google street view there is no one in the shot at all one pick up truck at the end the rest appear to be parked cars with vacant spaces. No one on here took the photo and the registrations are obscured.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (16th Jun 2023 - 07:55:48)

The one vehicle I can see which I assume is the one being complained about is nowhere near the school entrance, it is on the other side of the road. If parents choose to endanger their children by parking near a vehicle with jagged edges (haven't they all?) then the parents must take the responsibility. This area (which hasn't always been a mettaled surface) is not for the exclusive use of parents too lazy to park further on and walk their children to the gate.

D, I think you are confused. The link I included was to Google Streetview. Most people understand that StreetView shows a snap shot at the time the Google car drove through. It was included to indicate the location of the layby being discussed, not specific 'dumped' vehicles.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Dave (16th Jun 2023 - 09:48:12)

I think D was being a bit "lazy" and not reading the thread properly and getting her facts right before jumping in.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (16th Jun 2023 - 10:49:15)

I'm aware of Google streetview, I did not think it is a live stream. My point is that given the parents standard of parking displayed in this picture I think the hazards posed by a couple of allegedly abandoned vehicles pales into insignificance. If parents feel it does pose a risk to their offspring then I am sure they will be responsible enough to make sure their children keep away from said vehicles.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- dave (16th Jun 2023 - 13:30:45)

D, you seem to have a hostility towards children and their parents, not just on this thread but on many others. Why?

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Sam (17th Jun 2023 - 20:29:22)

Post is selfishly about the posters own parking, nothing else, just attempting to bend it by dragging in the children card.

Outraged !.. give it a rest

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Resident (17th Jun 2023 - 20:55:03)

Don’t you have to have a permit to work in a lay- by dismantling cars. Anyone trading in a lay by has to have the appropriate permit.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Nick (20th Jun 2023 - 20:32:29)

For what it’s worth, the Daihatsu jeep in the lay-by hasn’t been taxed since April 1988. If it’s on the highway (I don’t know) then it shouldn’t be.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Observed (2nd Jul 2023 - 14:01:58)

What is going on in the lay-by in longmoor road just seen cars and lorries and could not believe my eyes changing an engine in a lorry is this legal. You can not run a business in a lay-by it’s against the law has anyone reported this to the police?

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Ian (2nd Jul 2023 - 15:48:48)

They are travelling people so the normal laws do not apply to them and they are not under the jurisdiction of the police or local authority

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Observed (2nd Jul 2023 - 17:23:34)

Why is that Ian all citizens come under the law of the land . Is it perhaps that people are unwilling to repost it to the police. It makes a mockery of other law abiding businesses why do we have to put up with it . I think if enough people complained to the police something would be done.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Sam (4th Jul 2023 - 18:44:34)

The police ? Who are they ?

You referring to the uniformed law enforcement? Hasn’t the government you voted for got rid of the police?

Submit your parking query to the police then wait 17 years for a human response, you wouldn’t get a squad car into Liphook if there was a murder, you would just get an email asking if you have CCTV of the incident.

We don’t have enough police, doctors, etc etc etc

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (5th Jul 2023 - 08:15:48)

I don't see that repairing a broken down vehicle in a layby to enable it to be moved is in any way breaking the law. This layby is not on any route to the nearby schools so is not a danger to children. I'm more concerned about the damage being done to children's education as a result of striking teachers.
Observed, you had every opportunity to discuss your concerns with the owners of these vehicles but instead chose to bad mouth them on this website.
Dave, would you care to explain what you mean when you refer to "that community" ?
Ian, would you care to explain what you mean when you refer to "travellers" ?
As has already been alluded to, I think the basis of this thread is nearby residents miffed because they would rather park there.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Observed (5th Jul 2023 - 10:13:52)

No D driving by so only saw an engine out on the ground being changed by the look of it and other lorries and cars . My point was it seems by the other posts that this is a regular thing so it looks like someone is running a business in the lay-by that’s the concern something that makes a mockery of legitimate tax paying businesses. If whoever it is they should have proper premises to carry out their activities. That’s the point.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- ian (5th Jul 2023 - 10:49:22)

D, I did not use the word "travellers", you appear to be making assumptions?

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (5th Jul 2023 - 12:30:20)

Ian, you're quite right. You actually referred to "travelling people".

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- ian (5th Jul 2023 - 13:28:34)

If you do some digging around on the internet and in particular on Hampshire Highways and EHDC you will see that this particular area was created/approved and funded as a drop off area for school traffic as the verge (owned by Foley, not HCC) was already being used when it was just grass and was a mess. Clearly it should not be used for parking/or vehicle maintenance by anyone!

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Observed (5th Jul 2023 - 16:03:40)

I think we have all been vindicated by Ian’s post the lay-by is intended for parking only not working in .

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (5th Jul 2023 - 17:10:10)

If the layby is actually private land, then EVERYONE who parks there is trespassing. 🙂

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Paul (5th Jul 2023 - 17:56:13)

Pompous attitude, don't understand how villagers have lived for generations, to perform their lives locally.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- passfield resident (5th Jul 2023 - 18:17:42)

It's patently obvious that this area ought to be kept clear for pick -up/ drop -off for the schools, especially as people would just park in the road in any case.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- By stander (5th Jul 2023 - 19:39:19)

Just a thought if the land does belong to Mr Northcote has anyone reported to him that people are working on his land without permission.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (5th Jul 2023 - 19:49:02)

If the use of this apparently privately owned piece of land is causing friction within the community then maybe it would be better if it were returned to it's original muddy unmettled state and no-one use it, problem solved. The revelation that the land is privately owned and not part of the public highway puts a whole new light on the debate. As Dave said, people should check their facts before jumping in. I take my hat off to anyone who can change an engine in a layby without the support of a shed load of tools, coupled with the constant irritation of middle class curtain twitchers looking for something to moan about. A positive achievement indeed.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Paul (5th Jul 2023 - 19:52:38)

A small strip of land of the village area. Leave alone...

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Observed (5th Jul 2023 - 20:50:22)

D as you are obviously having a dig at me my eyesight is extremely good and I am familiar with what an engine looks like in and out of a vehicle. Said engine had just been taken out of a transit pick up and big hole where the engine should have been two men standing over it a large van on the back of a low loader with doors open with an enormous amount of gear in it parked in front. So If it had just broken down why didn’t they tow it to somewhere to repair it . D you are missing the point that posters are making working in a lay-by is not on only if you are broken down and a small repair can get you home NOT doing it constantly as people have said.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (5th Jul 2023 - 23:29:06)

Observed, it appears this is a private piece of land (not public highway). For all we know the owner of the land may have given permission for this. The revelation that this is private land is really making this thread fall apart. There does seem to be a culture in Liphook today of looking for things to moan about which don't really need moaning about. Wasn't like this years ago.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- IGS (6th Jul 2023 - 08:15:11)

D, it is your argument that is failing apart. The landowner and highways working in cooperation (see Hampshire Highways website ref 34326/lpk) created the lay-by specifically to aid school drop offs. It has rarely been used for resident parking as the housing nearby all have driveways. The issue has been those individuals that have been using it to park, repair and maintain vehicles which is the point that most contributors other than you are making. Anyhow, back to you D as I know you always like to have the last word.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Observed (6th Jul 2023 - 09:43:19)

D just think if all the traders in the village started working in all the lay-bys to save money we would have nowhere to park. And those that do operate out of lay-bys ie food outlets have a licence with restrictions. Reading through this post it seems that the lay-by was created to ease the parking at school times on land belonging to Mr Northcote he must have given permission HCC did the job. As you said parking at school time is no good to say the least so the people carrying out their operations in the lay-by are not helping by taking up all the space continuously, as your comment about curtain twitchers you are way off the mark I think the boot is on the other foot and the people working in the lay-by are taking the p???.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (6th Jul 2023 - 13:37:36)

Observed, I don't think what they are doing is any worse than these cafes with their eyesore outdoor structures spilling onto the pavement but I think we are going to have to agree to differ. I have engaged in conversation with the men you mention recently and I found them to be polite gentlemen. I'm sure if you had a natter with them you would achieve more than posting on social media.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Observed (6th Jul 2023 - 14:15:27)

Well D you post on this site quite often about all sorts and as for the cafes pn pavement don’t think any do Iazy lizard own their forecourt so do number 1 coffee shop but THEY pay business rates not blocking up a lay-by illegally. I don’t doubt they are very nice people but they don’t seem to want to play fair with the community. But as you say we differ on opinions I think most if not all liphook business play ball and contribute to our wonderful village with an amazing amount of donations. Going to have a cup of tea now.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Joe (6th Jul 2023 - 15:51:43)

Nice people or not they are operating a business from a lay-by without a licence, depriving us of council tax too through not paying for premises.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- dave (6th Jul 2023 - 16:59:05)

Sorry D, you are completely wrong! (as usual). What they are doing is wrong and illegal! The cafes on the other hand are legitimate rate paying businesses that have got the appropriate consents from the appropriate authorities/owners for using their outside space.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Lifetime resident (6th Jul 2023 - 18:32:52)

Reading through this post it seems there is no doubt that they are operating illegally in a lay-by. Has anyone thought of videoing them at work so it can be presented for evidence to the relevant authorities. As said in this blog it makes a mockery of law abiding businesses. Businesses have to jump through hoops to stay within the law and pay ridiculous amounts in tax so it must be very galling to see illegal activity going on in a lay-by. If they are local people they should be ashamed of themselves. If they are not local then it’s time someone stepped in and called the authorities.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (6th Jul 2023 - 18:38:15)

Well, Observed, Joe and Dave. You know where to find them so maybe you would like to express your concerns to their faces.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Dave (7th Jul 2023 - 00:53:29)

The Longmoor lay-by garage was empty today as I journeyed to get yellow bananas. Was hoping to pop in and get them to fix the chitty bang bang on my little black car :)

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Pete (7th Jul 2023 - 07:51:39)

D- I wonder if you have been to the cafes to tell them face to face what a monstrosity you think their outdoor areas are [ the key terminology being their ]. it must irk you quite a bit as you keep mentioning them in various posts.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Observed (7th Jul 2023 - 10:09:47)

Well D perhaps YOU could have a natter to the coffee shops as you seem to have such a problem with their legal business serving the community. They have gone through the correct channels for permission to use THEIR forecourts . As you said you spoke to the illegal operators what was their response did they say why they thought it was a good thing to operate an illegal business from a lay-by. You seem to support them is that your policy to support illegal businesses give us your report.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (7th Jul 2023 - 19:08:39)

Pete, yes

Observed, calm down and have another cup of tea, Dear.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Observed (7th Jul 2023 - 20:29:16)

Still side stepping the issue D as usual you know you’re totally in the wrong and can’t come to accept it .

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (7th Jul 2023 - 22:44:24)

Observed, there is no need to be rude because I don't agree with you. Given the rude and defamatory comments made on this thread by people perporting to be on this little crusade for the sake of local business, I will think twice about supporting those local businesses. I'm astonished that people in an affluent, predominantly middle class area like Liphook are so upset over a layby. Maybe you wouldn't be so upset if it were a more upmarket vehicle they were working on instead of a grubby old lorry?

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- passfield resident (8th Jul 2023 - 07:50:45)

D-you have been pretty rude to other posters in the past yourself

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Pete (8th Jul 2023 - 08:10:50)

D- I'm quite calm thank you not sure what gave you any other impression. Judging by the condescending comment I can only assume you know you have lost this thread so have resorted childish replies.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (8th Jul 2023 - 09:08:51)

Pete, if you read my reply to your question again, you will see that my only reply to you was "yes". My next comment was addressed to "Observed", which is why I put "Observed" at the start of it to indicate who the comment was directed at.

I am sorry for your confusion.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Observed (8th Jul 2023 - 09:26:55)

Pot and kettle me think’s. You seem to have a big chip on your shoulder about more affluent people I think we have got to get used to that this area is becoming that way you only have to look at the pub car parks around liphook big posh cars no more old bangers like mine. Anyway have a nice day.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Local (8th Jul 2023 - 09:49:00)

D can’t see anything rude with observed post only very to the point. You on to other hand quite often are very rude in some of your post especially when you get pulled up when you’re wrong.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (8th Jul 2023 - 10:45:42)

Observed, I certainly don't judge people on what car they drive or how affluent they may appear to be. Your last comment reminds me of the social class sketch featuring John Cheese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett. Look on the bright side, there are far worse illegitimate trades that could be going on in your layby than some bloke fixing a lorry. 😉

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Ian (8th Jul 2023 - 14:52:01)

Oh the irony of D accusing others of rudeness, how hysterical! D, I think you need to take a step back and look at how others perceive you rather than how you perceive yourself. You come across as very opinionated with a strong dose of inverted snobbery and a general hostility to many, especially parents and children, which you have expressed in many previous posts. I think you need to accept you hold the minority view on this subject!

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- er (8th Jul 2023 - 17:12:25)

Thanks for another great thread, interesting read!

It doesn't appear to me to be a layby, it has none of the required road markings, in fact it appears to have no markings at all, that doesn't even make it a parking bay!

Dare I admit it but I'm seeing D's point on this! All the talk about illegal travellers and illegal parking, outrage and shock, this layby is only for parents, the good intentions of the owners, letting the village down, illegality. Good intentions don't make parking restrictions or lay-bys, clear and lawful signage do or there are no restrictions. Where is the signage or roadway markings, is this even a roadway, is it a highway for the RTA, it cannot be illegal otherwise.

Thanks for the link Ian, I did Google 34326/lpk and check on HH website but found nothing, maybe my rubbish phone, if you could post more info I'll definitely look again.

Cannabis smells, travellers, insurance, jagged edges, taking parking places away from mums, lawlessness etc.

I've quickly looked up the law and it seems you can work on an engine (car or lorry, personal or business, no difference) if it has broken down for the next 3 days. If that rule is being broken, or the edges are sharp, or there's cannabis being smoked or the non evident parking restrictions are being broken, then it's a police or council matter whether to prosecute or not. As one poster said, the police are aware, presumably then they either aren't bothered, or they're doing something already or there was no law being broken, innocent unless found guilty and all that!

I don't know if they are travelling people, but for the record, travellers are not above the law, being driven out of their homes and villages in Ireland by the English and the famine, they took to travelling and it's incredible in this day and age that they still survive, a lot of older Liphook families had close family and social connections to travellers, not me personally, but I prefer to give and take, seen worse in the village to get outraged about than a bloke on an uncertain strip of land which may or may not be part of the highway, changing an engine, think I'd stop with my kids and watch in amazement personally, or are our kids all rushing home in mummy's car to play Xbox😂

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (9th Jul 2023 - 21:39:33)

The information er gives is pretty much what the gentlemen told me. The one person who holds the minority opinion on this matter is the only one who is correct after all. How do you all feel about that? 😃 Anyway, I'm sure we can all now untwist our knickers, straighten the curtains and move on from this. It is sad that this thread quickly turned into a vicious attack on a particular section of our society. Sad day for Liphook. Now if you'll excuse me I have an engine to fix. 😉

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Joe (10th Jul 2023 - 06:27:10)

There is clearly a business being run there that law only applies if you are working on your own car to get mobile again having broken down in that location and pulled over to use the verge etc. Does not apply to cars being towed there for someone to operate a business. The fact D cannot use the link to the council website is irrelevant. Of course the person working on the cars is going to justify themselves, does not mean anything.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Law abiding (10th Jul 2023 - 16:26:26)

Quite so Joe spot on . Parking ok NOT working as they have been.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Ian (11th Jul 2023 - 12:35:26)

Awful lot of spilt oil on the ground in that area now, could become an environmental issue soon.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- B (12th Jul 2023 - 16:59:22)

Has nobody thought of grassing the guy up for pollution control?

It’s clear by the huge oil patches that they are not containing any spills. It could be argued that they are violating some sort of by-law.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Local (12th Jul 2023 - 17:25:18)

That was a brand new lay-by with new tarmac oil will completely ruin it . They should be made to replace it .

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Isn (12th Jul 2023 - 22:15:16)

D, perhaps you can speak to your friends and ask them if they will clear the oil up (dumping dirt on top doesn’t count!)

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Septic (13th Jul 2023 - 16:40:26)

D has gone quiet perhaps her lay-by friends have disowned her . If any body else had been doing what they were the authorities would have been down on them like a ton of bricks as for the damage they would be up in court.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Rachael (16th Jul 2023 - 09:44:09)

I have now spoken to two of the individuals who are using the lay-by to work on their vehicles. They did point out that as members of the travellers community they are exempt from many local authority regulations and as such are not breaking any rules. Astonishing

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Countryman (16th Jul 2023 - 12:25:41)

Rachael they are telling you porkys the travelling community have certain rights but mainly when travelling. You can see that when they park illegally on car parks and open land. If they are indeed travelling people then why are they operating an illegal business out of a lay-by continuous. All of us are bound by the laws including travelling communities. They do try and twist the law until they get caught I would think that day is not far off .

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- M (16th Jul 2023 - 12:47:34)

Very interesting reading this thread has become.
Some people think there's a problem but don't do anything except type their thoughts out on here.

Just a thought, if every person who feels that the activities going on in this lay by are anti-social then report it online to Hampshire Constabulary (nuisance parking/activities are covered by this online link):

If every person who think the vehicles parked on/worked on in the lay by are illegal/abandoned/dangerous then report it to EHDC via this link:

Also an email to BLPC asking them to get involved might help too:

It's all quite simple.
Unfortunately ranting on this site will not do anything, it's only the relevant authorities that can do something. The more people that report the issue the more likely something may be done.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Amusing (16th Jul 2023 - 14:53:44)

M just a thought how do you know that people haven’t done so . You know how long it takes the authorities to act.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- M (16th Jul 2023 - 17:21:34)

"Amusing".... funnily enough (joke...get it?) ... I don't know if anyone has done any of the things I suggested above.
If they have, great, if they haven't it is my suggestion to get the issue highlighted to the relevant authorities.
A bit of public information being passed on a community site. Hope it helps.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Toby (2nd Aug 2023 - 10:55:23)

It’s a disgrace they where changing a engine in there the other weekend what do they do with the oil threw it in the field I suspect

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Juan (30th Aug 2023 - 14:30:05)

I see those decent "open air mechanics" have left some useful items at their public garage/scrap yard.
Thinking of starting a book on how long it takes before a tied up horse accompanied by empty bucket appear.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- sc (4th Sep 2023 - 18:37:23)

Dont worry, they haven't moved far!! the blue breakdown truck, and the
campervan, have been parking on Lark Rise, opposite the dog walking

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (5th Sep 2023 - 08:18:01)

I think the critics posting on this thread would achieve far more by approaching the person's concerned directly rather than leaving messages here. What are you all so scared of that you shy away from talking to someone? Maybe social media has resulted in an inability to have face to face conversations, I don't know. Several months of bleating about this issue like a bunch of spoilt children who can't have their own way has so far achieved nothing. There have always been vehicles parked on this spot going back over fifty years and wasn't a problem then. People had the common sense in those days to keep themselves and their children away from them. We also didn't have this inain sense of entitlement which seems prevailent these days, ie. "It should be left clear for parents and locals to park on even though it may not be part of the highway". Or maybe vehicles being repaired at the roadside just doesn't fit on with your unrealistic, rose tinted image of what Liphook should be like, and never was.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Retired businessman (5th Sep 2023 - 10:03:31)

You still don’t get it D working permanently in a lay-by causing damage and rubbish is not a thing to do let alone illegal. If all similar businesses did the same what would our lay-bys look like business that work out of lay-bys have the appropriate license and have rules to abide by. Nothing to do with who they are could be anybody they are breaking the law and taking the proverbial.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Penny Williamson (5th Sep 2023 - 10:03:45)

D Your word inain is misspelt - correct spelling is inane. Just thought you would like to know. I agree with Still Waiting - you find time to post on this Thread this morning but ignore Resident's questions in the Lloyds Bank Building Thread so I think it is understandable that most people including myself assume that you do absolutely nothing for Liphook except complain and criticise. This is of course your personal choice. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Paul (5th Sep 2023 - 10:25:03)

@D - how do you know people who have raised attention to this haven't also reported it to the authorities? I know several have (myself included). They are using this thread to broaden attention to the matter.

Shame on anyone trying to defend this anti-social behaviour. There are local businesses who pay rent, rates, light and heat as their business costs. Road-side repairs are an insult to legitimate businesses that pay their way.

It sounds like your own glasses are engine oil tinted.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Joe (5th Sep 2023 - 21:20:36)

It is illegal D to run a business from a lay-by. It is endangering passers by. Oil spill etc. What would approaching the people achieve? They are not going to stop until legal action is taken to force this. It will not reassure people until they stop running their business from there.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Fedup (12th Sep 2023 - 17:08:03)

Does not seem to have had any effect on the scrap people working in the lay-by they are back in longmoor road rubbish all in the hedges mattress everywhere lorry loading up doors wide open obstructiing traffic and that’s at school time. Is this the norm now working in lay-bys if so and you don’t have to pay anything let’s all do it .

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Realist (12th Sep 2023 - 17:42:53)

It is by now well known that county Lines international drug gangs are probably as we speak selling hard drugs to your community members right here and up and down the land in lay-bys, zombie flats and clubs, vulnerable people are being abused and made to be runners and frontmen, for a fix, once useful people are staring at walls trying to stand up till their teenage semi indentured dealers turn up, and the police cannot stop it because the courts are overwhelmed and the resources are insufficient. The prisons are full, we are too weary of it all to bother being outraged, so instead we are livid that somebody may be repairing cars in a lay-by, village life, English attitudes, world problems, no solutions, go tell them you heard someone mention asylum policy or gender, will get a response even if the above is going to take a bit longer, repairing cars is probably not their biggest headache all things considered, but if we drive them mad over it maybe they'll have to redirect their resources to deal with that!

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Joe (12th Sep 2023 - 18:41:18)

So just because drug dealers Abound everywhere does that make everything else fine? I do not follow the logic.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Paul (13th Sep 2023 - 09:39:05)

@Fedup - yes, I saw that too over the last few days. Rubbish and mattresses stacked against a panel van and an unlit truck parked badly with edges protruding into the carriageway.

Actually saw one of these little road-side repair-Wombles the other night. He was driving the low-loader from their 'premises' up Longmoor Road towards the Square. At speed, in the middle of the road, and barrelling through the width-restrictors so that I had to quickly move out of the way as he was definitely not stopping or slowing for anyone ...

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- IrishRose (14th Sep 2023 - 22:01:11)

No concern of mine on what’s happening ,but please take into account about the traveler /Gipsy thing .. as one ,i think people are presuming the people in layby are ? I don’t know if they are or not ?seems like if any one is not modern and don’t live the rat race life and they don’t follow the rules dictated to them are now branded ..But I can tell you the local Gipsy /traveler people who have lived round here for generations and new ones own their own land and work from it .. we ain’t hedge humpers .,point is I don’t know why heritage is a part of it ,but I need to say please don’t assume.But I spose in a world now where people can change their sex in the morning if they feel like it so can you with any thing else ... if I was to park my horses there and vardy and fires you’d know it was a Gipsy/traveler ,, but I wouldn’t be there long ie the name traveler..and I we wouldn’t make it look bad for the settled ones in the area ..please don’t tag our proud heritage in stuff like this ..Have a happy day to you all

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Jacob (14th Sep 2023 - 22:30:56)

Mr Luff maybe able to help as he’s family owned the fields behind,he is very community spirited and I imagine he would have gave it up to be used as a lay-by when he owned the land I imagine.
Like most lay-bys, if they are being used by the public daily and have so for many years then land automatically belongs to the highways.I found this out the hard way when the local council took the end of my garden.One would also like to mention I would entertain the thought of giving it to the highways if not done so already due to the high risk factor of injury/damage to any persons/property so therefor I would not want the responsibility. However the lay-by in question is maintained by the highways so I strongly presume it is owned by highways.
To read the local community paid for the lay-by for school pick-ups and drop offs and is now being used as a refuse yard is very sad to read. However one may argue that a community funded lay-by that has been used by the local community for a number of years would now belong to highways and any vehicle using the lay-by in question would have to comply with road laws

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Penny Williamson (19th Sep 2023 - 10:38:55)

IrishRose I agree with you people should not make assumptions without knowing the facts. I have no problem with Gypsies/Travellers or any other group/s of people as long as they show consideration and respect and abide by the laws of this country including planning and taxation.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Russ (19th Sep 2023 - 11:51:16)

Jacob I think Luffs farm was compulsory purchased by HCC for bohunt school. Andrew Luff was very upset about it because the family went back generations and the farm was grade A farm land. I think you will find that Northcott owns the fields behind the lay-by was a grass verge that cars parked on at school time making a mess of the grass so I think the council made it into a proper lay-by tarmac. The people that are operating out of said lay-by are not doing the tarmac any good waste oil spills and rubbish not good.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Debbie (20th Sep 2023 - 11:40:38)

The white untaxed and no MOT van now has a yellow sticker on the windscreen so maybe somethings being done.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Unknown (27th Sep 2023 - 12:11:16)

It’s actually sad that’s there’s a whole thread about this he’s not a traveler and for everyone that’s reported this to the police and east Hants coucil they have been out and can’t do nothing we live in the local community and due to our neighbours being pricks we are unable to park anywhere near our home everyone has a job to do and a living to earn if you all have a problem the man that parks there is actually very approachable and will be happy to tell you there’s no where else to park his truck so it will be staying there and you all need to get a life this sad what do you all do sit on here all day waiting for people to reply god sort it out

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Unknown (27th Sep 2023 - 12:14:05)

And to add your all so racist to the travelling community your all to quick to judge instead of getting all the facts we’re a normal family with kids and he’s just trying to make money to feed his family might not be what you agree with but that’s your issue and the engine change was done on his own personal van which he is aloud to do bunch of racists it’s a joke

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Haha (27th Sep 2023 - 14:34:25)

The irony of Unknown calling people racist (it isn't) yet also calling their neighbours p***ks .... LOL

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- M.s. (27th Sep 2023 - 14:40:44)

These people using the lay-by to store/park their trucks, scrap vehicles and house waste, don’t have license to collect scrap metal or house waste, and they don’t hold a waste carrier’s license. They have been collecting scrap metal and cars illegally, even posting on Facebook to collect scrap metal.
This has been confirmed by the licensing department.
I urge everyone that’s not happy with them to run their Illegal business from the lay-by to contact the council and the EHDC license department.
They think they are above the law.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Joe (27th Sep 2023 - 15:50:32)

I am sure that if the business was profitable enough then unknown could run his business from business premises. What about the planning department? Doesn’t the lay-by need change of use to business premises? Everyone without a driveway ( according to his logic) could park there and set up a market stall or anything else they chose and maybe force him out.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Bystander (27th Sep 2023 - 16:18:38)

Wonder what they did with the mattress they had stacked by their van , see fly tipping thread??

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- (27th Sep 2023 - 16:40:16)

These people don’t have license to do what they are doing, they are running an illegal business, hence why they are doing it from the lay-by and not a business premises.
It makes you wonder what they are doing with all the house waste they collect. They also collect scrap cars and fix them in the lay-by and sell them on.
You can not collect scrap metal and scrap vehicles and keep them “stored” on a lay-by, anyone with a waste carrier or dealer license and scrap dealer’s license know the rules.
They also used to have different trucks with same registration number on them, obviously cloned.

They are not from the travellers community, they live in the new estate in Griggs green.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (27th Sep 2023 - 18:27:52)

That’s why east Hants can’t do anything yeah because no one has licences? Haha this is so amusing we will continue to park there and piss you off as you clearly have nothing better to do with your days then sit and slander people all over social media then come to me direct with your issues or have a face to face conversation you sit behind your keyboards moaning and bitching why I’m sat here laughing at you the mattresses went fly tipped because he had a waste carrier licence and actually pays a local business in Liphook to remove rubbish from our house when we renovated it we do live in Liphook have done for the past 4 years now and if we are going to carry on being harassed and branded as people we’re not then it will become a police matter as it’s a hate crime and yes you are racist to the travelling community whom of which I know a lot of and they don’t nor do we think we are above the law which is why every single Time you complain to EHDC and the police they CANT do anything because we are not breaking the law by parking cars and changing engines on personal cars and who said it was a business there are 2 people separate that use that lay-by two didn’t trucks that park there but you wouldn’t know this because all you Karen’s just love abit of drama and nothing better to do of an evening then sit with your pop corn slating people the trucks aren’t going to be moved get over it and if you have anymore issues or continue to harass me and my family you will have a visit from the police because I know exactly who you are hiding behind your phones and computers talk about something important instead of a truck that’s parked in a lay-by which is taxed MOT and insured nothing you can do about it

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (27th Sep 2023 - 18:30:24)

This is how funny you are are nothing is brought and sold on as I explained before the waste is got rid of in the correct manner, you assuming no one has licence and what plates are cloned? Hahahaah omg guys get your information correct please before throwing accusations around this just gets more amusing

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Resident (27th Sep 2023 - 20:26:38)

"... come to me direct with your issues or have a face to face conversation you sit behind your keyboards moaning and bitching ..."

But you don't actually give your own name?

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (27th Sep 2023 - 21:58:12)

Why would I put my name on a social platform where me and my family are being called all sorts targeted and abused by locals in the area, you all know where the trucks parked you all have taken time out your days to feed this post since June so how about leave your names and number under the window wipes and we will contact you, we have phoned the police tonight and are waiting for them to attend the address and they have informed us that they will be watching the post and every comment made is traceable and I have took screenshots of the whole thread and they have been given to the appropriate authorities I won’t tolerate the abuse and the slander towards my family and my partner

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (27th Sep 2023 - 21:59:22)

And also you have named yourself as resident so where’s your name? No again another Karen hiding behind a phone

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Joe (27th Sep 2023 - 22:22:05)

You are living in fantasy land C as if the police care whether someone on this thread doesn’t like the way you operate. No one has threatened you.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (27th Sep 2023 - 23:35:10)

It’s nothing to do with the way we operate it’s how you all sit there slandering people making a hate group just about a individual and how you sit here and be racisit to travelling people and how someone has put here what area of Liphook I live in how the trucks are getting broken it’s gone to far and something needs to be done about it you can’t go around making accusations and being racist towards a community or slander someone it’s a hate crime and will be dealt with

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Ian (28th Sep 2023 - 08:08:27)

I suspect C is nothing to do with those using the lay-by and is just trolling to get a bit of a perverse thrill!

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (28th Sep 2023 - 09:15:57)

Ian, I think C is the owner because she has replied to a thread on the "Liphook Community Board" Facebook page which gives her full name and shows her profile. Here's one of the replies she has written. (I've added the stars so no one is offended.)
"It’s actually sad that everyone has nothing better to do then create threads about the truck in the lay-by calling us travellers and saying we don’t care about the law it’s all f***ing bullshit and everyone that comments on that stupid talk back group wouldn’t come and say anything to his face because you all have nothing better to do then slander people all over social media then have a face to face conversation with someone you all need get a life and stop jumping to conclusions all the time if my neighbours weren’t such pricks the truck would be aloud to be parked outside my house but it’s not because like everyone else they don’t like the look of it stop jumping to conclusions and keep your nose out of other peoples business"

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- er (28th Sep 2023 - 10:55:05)

Well done c for speaking up for yourself.

People want services so where do they expect people to park their commercial vehicles if not a layby away from quiet residential streets, there's not many other options around here, it sounds as if the owner has been trying to think of their neighbours, as the ex owner of commercial vehicles I know how stuck up some neighbours can be (until they need your services then they're just looking for a cheap quote!), with all the problems in the world including drug gangs you'd think people would support hard working little businesspeople this has always been a working class village not a picture postcard, the reference to travellers has been completely unnecessary and questionable, I don't want this village to become so stuck up we can't tolerate the little guy trying to survive and make a living.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (28th Sep 2023 - 15:16:10)

I am the owners partner as D explained I gave my full name
On Liphook community board and I won’t tolerate the hate and slander towards my family unfortunately we can’t please everyone and that’s life I wasnt put on this planet to please everyone but the abuse my partner is getting and the names he’s being called and the categories he’s being placed in is disgusting he’s one of the nicest people your meet he’s so selfless and isn’t trying to piss anyone off he goes out his way to help anyone and is so approachable half of the people on here slagging him off wouldn’t have a bad word to say about him if they actually met him an old man broke down in that lay-by a few weeks ago with a blow out and he drove past stopped changed his wheel over for him and sent him on his way free of charge none of you would even take a second look you’d leave them there to struggle and I hope your never stuck in a situation where you need help because you don’t deserve the kindness that people have to offer like I said before if anyone has an issue please leave your name and number on the windscreen and we would be happy to contact you we have nothing to hide he’s doing nothing illegal I think he wouldn’t have called the police last night himself about being harassed if he was I don’t have anything else to say except what a generation our kids are growing up in with parents like half of you judgmental animals I pity what your teaching your children when your all bullies yourself.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Ian (28th Sep 2023 - 19:05:01)

Is he going to clean up the mess he’s creating? Just look at the oil on the ground!

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Resident (28th Sep 2023 - 20:56:06)

@C - you seem to be throwing around words like 'racism', 'hate crime', 'slander'. Can I suggest you research exactly what those words mean as not one of them - as far as I can see - applies to anyone or anything said on this thread which is about an illegal business operating from the side of the road and dumping rubbish in the verge.

Don't forget to screen-shot your earlier comment as it comes across as a threat to everyone who you feel disagrees with you - here it is to save you going back and looking for it (your words, BTW):

"leave your names and number under the window wipes and we will contact you"

Also, hope you took screen-shots of the points where you called your neighbours "pricks"?

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- M (28th Sep 2023 - 21:05:27)

@Ian,me thinks D will offer to clean this up as she /he is clearly in cahoots with them.
Results all round if this happens,let’s watch and wait.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (28th Sep 2023 - 21:38:28)

What’s wrong with calling my neighbours pricks? They are 😂

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Retired Businessman (28th Sep 2023 - 21:40:02)

Looking through this thread it seems that the people using the lay-by are the ones threatening posters that are posting quite legitimately about the business going on and damage that is being caused with rubbish and oil spills. There is no problem with parking vehicles as long as they comply with the law that’s not in question it’s doing work on vehicles or storing scrap vehicles that’s what is wrong. If they want to run a business like this then they should do legit irrespective of who they are if they are travelling people it doesn’t make any difference the law is the law applies to everyone. No one is being raciest or anything like it , it applies to everyone. I do hope that they can find a solution and somewhere to work and run their business.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (28th Sep 2023 - 22:38:55)

Sorry but how are any messages I have posted threatening?😂 I simply said if anyone has an issue leave your name and number and I’ll speak to them like an adult? If the person that made this post did that in the first place this wouldn’t even be here for people to sit and get involved nothing is illegal if it was EHDC would have done something about it and so would the police and they haven’t? I called the police are the trucks are being vandalised and it’s clear where it’s all coming from if that’s threatening then wow there’s not rubbish up there it’s clean and tidy yes there abit of oil on the floor when a car gets an oil leak do you clean all the oil that’s spilt out the car no you don’t there parked there there aloud to be parked there is a lay-by no one’s property that’s complaining no one’s drive way it doesn’t cause harm to any member of the public yet no matter what’s done up there your still all going to moan about it there parked there they are aloud to be parked there it’s not against the law it’s not against the law to work on your own personal car or van so nothing is illegal again which is why police and coucil have done nothing because they can’t because no laws are being broken you all assume every untaxed and un MOT car/van up there is his and it’s not just like he got accused for dumping the mattresses when he pays another LOCAL businessman to dispose of it you all just need to get of your high horse and come back down to reality

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Sam (28th Sep 2023 - 23:39:28)

1. Anything said here isn't likely to change anything in relation to the subject.
2. If you cant even state your name your post has no value, in fact all you do is place a target on your back.

1 + 2 = a post that just descends into a waste of time

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Joe (29th Sep 2023 - 08:18:57)

In reply to C yes the lay-by is owned by someone or some entity such as a landowner or Highways dept. The fact that you describe the vehicle as a recovery truck indicates that you are running a business there which is not legal. The fact that the authorities or police have not the time nor manpower to take action does not make something legal. Now you have put your name and address on social media the income tax department must be due a windfall.

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- D (29th Sep 2023 - 10:14:05)

C a quick question you stated "he got accused for dumping the mattresses when he pays another LOCAL businessman to dispose of it" but on social media you stated that "I don’t fly tip thank you I have a tip permit witch I can prove where all my waste goes thanks you" why would you pay another LOCAL business man to dispose of it if you have a permit. Might there be a chance that this other local business man has not disposed of it in the correct way?

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Jack (29th Sep 2023 - 13:14:13)

@ C if people were to put forward their names and number to have a grown up conversation would you as a member of the gipsy community guarantee their safety and that of their relatives.

We settled people can ill afford to upset members of the gipsy community! Your ways are the way of the settled folk C!

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (29th Sep 2023 - 13:47:28)

Sorry Jack but who’s a member of the travelling community?😂 because we settled people having nothing to do with the travelling community 😂 and yes he does have a waste carrier licence but also pays a local business who your not saying you don’t know what he does with his rubbish when you all recommend him on every waste disposal post that’s put up which is how we heard about them you all have no facts nothing you say is relevant contact who ever you need to contact because this is so boring going round in circles when mindless people clearly have no idea what’s there going on about we have nothing to hide WE LIVE IN A HOUSE😂 not a caravan or trailer or mobile home because just like you we are normal people just not stuck up our own asses 😂

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (29th Sep 2023 - 13:50:49)

And joe owning a recovery truck doesn’t have anything to do with being categorised as running an illegal business from the lay-by it’s where it’s PARKED and it’s not illegal to park any vehicle in a public lay-by

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- passfield resident (29th Sep 2023 - 14:11:45)

This thread is going nowhere except becoming more unpleasant and more divisive. Is this really what a community website should be for?

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- KM (29th Sep 2023 - 14:59:42)

Agree with Passfield Resident. This not a forum for abusive behavior.

Perhaps the Editor can close this out?

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- M (29th Sep 2023 - 16:10:59)

C you comment that you are just normal people who live in a house.
Living in a house has nothing to do with the issue being talked about here, it's what is happening in the layby that people are questioning.
I think you have to agree that most people (be that normal or not as everybody is different) find the storage and repair of motor vehicles in a public layby in the vicinity of a primary school pick up and drop of area as not "normal" and not "community spirited". Whether it is legal or illegal isn't the point, it's what is morally correct.
Whether those vehicles are being stored or repaired as a business, or as a private repair, isn't the problem.
The problem is that you, and your partner/husband, don't see it as an issue when the majority of people do.
Perhaps you should think about what you are doing, and what the majority of people feel about it, and find somewhere else to carry out the activities that are in a much safer, organised and agreeable location?

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- dave (29th Sep 2023 - 17:22:57)

Always a giveaway when caravan is referred to as a "trailer" :-)

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (29th Sep 2023 - 17:24:00)

It is relevant when I’m being called a traveler and gipsy and everyone got there own opinion I’m bored of listening to it like I said police are involved don’t care anymore

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Observed (29th Sep 2023 - 19:14:56)

Point do you see other businesses working out of a lay-by in this manner except for legal ones ie food outlets etc . Break down operators only repair if it’s a quick fix otherwise they transport to a garage. Changing an engine, transferring scrap cars, loading and unloading rubbish I would think is running a business from a lay-by not legal .

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- C (29th Sep 2023 - 20:30:35)

What’s a give away Dave? Telling the truth do you think I’d be ashamed to admit if I was a traveller? Because I can assure you I wouldn’t you all just love abit of gossip and jumping to conclusions how about focus on your own lives then worrying about everyone else’s you clearly are all bored in your ripe retirement age

Re: Longmoor Lay-by Lorry’s/Scrap cars
- Eric (11th Oct 2023 - 19:48:06)

Look out, Van loaded with mattresses again !!

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