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Tree felling
- SA (15th Mar 2023 - 18:11:40)

Yet more destruction in Radford Park as more trees felled and scrub cleared in last 2 days and this work being carried out just at the beginning of bird nesting season, how thoughtful. Little wonder that we are losing species at an alarming rate when habitats are being destroyed. With no sign of new trees being planted by the council to replace those that have been felled. The park has been cleared so much in last few years that it is unrecognisable as the natural wildlife haven that it once was. I thought we were supposed to be protecting and planting trees not cutting them down!

Re: Tree felling
- Caroline (16th Mar 2023 - 13:19:55)

Do we know why this is happening? Worth seeing if the volunteers know?

Re: Tree felling
- Local (16th Mar 2023 - 15:03:32)

I don't know either, may be good management of course, but if so I just wonder why do people always feel the need to 'manage' nature?

Could it be that Radford Park is always the first 'go to'
tick box exercise whenever a new developer needs to 'deliver a new community space' for their planning application, what's it called, a Sang or something, maybe that's why it needs to be more and more accessible each time and open, to tick boxes, but of course the more of us, the less real nature however they dress it up saying they're 'giving' the countryside nature in return for building sites whose names often only reflect what was once there, we are left with vague memories, all the Orchard Drives, Farm Lanes, Meadow Closes and Oakfield Avenues across our towns and cities!

Re: Tree felling
- Steve (16th Mar 2023 - 16:40:46)

Maybe something to do with Ash die back disease?

Re: Tree felling
- Simon Coyte (17th Mar 2023 - 08:08:08)

Please see link to BLPC Facebook page

Contractors have begun clearing the site of certain trees in readiness for the demolition of the old Radford Works building. This will take approx. 2 weeks, the car park will be periodically closed in order to carry out these actions safely.
Any trees cut down will be replaced elsewhere within the park. It is the intention of the Parish Council to build a new grounds shed on the cleared site. Thank you for your co-operation during this time.

Re: Tree felling
- SA (19th Mar 2023 - 11:14:26)

There is at least one bird building a nest in the old works building. Wouldn't be surprised if there are bats roosting there too, just the sort of old building they like. Bad timing by council to carry out this work.

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