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2 traffic light controlled crossing in one road…
- Mary W (21st May 2024 - 15:50:30)

Amazing that the council feel it fit to install two traffic light controlled crossings within a few hundred yards of each other along the same stretch of road from the roundabout in the village centre, yet have no interest in putting some sort of controlled crossing to enable people from the cinema and shops along the centre to get to the Midhurst Road carpark.

I can see no way to cross that road safely, as even using the small dropped pavement, crossings, with careful attention to traffic, people still whiz round blind corner accelerating as they leave the centre. I walk with sticks but crossed quite quickly but it can be very scary.

Perhaps they should close the passage way through to the car park from the Haslemere Road? It’s a nightmare when it’s dark.

Re: 2 traffic light controlled crossing in one road…
- Russ (21st May 2024 - 16:50:21)

Mary it seems HHC have no interest in safety. See my thread about the crossing in the centre of the square which is again not controlled. When someone gets killed they may do something but don’t hold your breath.

Re: 2 traffic light controlled crossing in one road…
- Paul2 (22nd May 2024 - 12:07:30)

We have an adequate number of controlled and uncontrolled crossings in Liphook.

Re: 2 traffic light controlled crossing in one road…
- Mary W (22nd May 2024 - 12:47:04)

Russ, I didn’t see your other post and it was interesting and I do agree with you. There were so many replies to it, but it takes awhile to go down to the bottom.

From personal experience I don’t much care for zebras where the onus is on the driver to stop when you step onto it, although it is far better than the present system when crossing over to The Midhurst Road car park access passageway from the cinema. The pedestrian has very little view of vehicles coming round the corner from the right.

My granddaughter was hit by a car, that couldn’t stop approaching a zebra, when she was halfway across, and it was pretty scary to be there crossing with her and see it all happening in slow motion.

Re: 2 traffic light controlled crossing in one road…
- Russ (22nd May 2024 - 15:52:46)

Quite so Mary very dangerous un controlled crossings . Don’t agree Paul 2 there should never be un controlled crossings in an area that is so congested as the square huge amount of traffic going round three roundabouts six roads converging into a very small area motorists having so much to contend with and then having pedestrians crossing right in front of them with no lights to tell them to stop madness. As Mary has said her granddaughter knocked over in the middle of an un controlled crossing motorist could not stop utter madness.

Re: 2 traffic light controlled crossing in one road…
- Mary W (23rd May 2024 - 09:55:28)

Russ, fortunately car travelling at much lower speed than many in Liphook - slid into her on greasy wet road and she was only bruised and scared. Could have been so much worse.

Not like the car accelerating round the corner into Haslemere Road when I was crossing - that missed me by a whisker.

Strangers must miss the little crossings - perhaps they should be warned by some sort of signage? Until I had been living in the village for a while I didn’t realise they were there.

Re: 2 traffic light controlled crossing in one road…
- Brian (28th May 2024 - 18:57:35)

I feel the crossings on the Square are not fit for purpose anymore. This is both as a pedestrian and as a driver. This is especially the case around the Haslemere road.

The new rules require road users to treat the entries and exits to roundabouts as if they have a zebra crossing and give way to pedestrians crossing the road (unless there is a controlled crossing nearby). I have seen one pedestrian interpret the new rule as allowing them to walk diagonally across the roundabout opposite the cinema.

A friend recently witnessed a pedestrian walk out at a roundabout in a nearby town and force the cars to stop. When he got berated by the drivers, he just knelt down and pretended to tie his shoe laces.

I would say that the new rules are not being widely observed around here but in London they seem to be have been more widely adopted.

As the new rules get more widely adopted here, I would argue that the three mini roundabouts in quick succession are going to be more dangerous and not less. The mini roundabout by the cinema is particularly badly designed for pedestrians crossing. A crossing on both the Haslemere road and Midhurst road will be needed to reduce the risk of pedestrians crossing at the roundabout.

As an alternative, perhaps just admit that for all intent and purposes the area is a joint pedestrianvehicle zone like some towns are implementing. The road is then raised to the same height as the pavement, crossings are removed and drivers and pedestrians have equal access. Apparently cars are more careful and flows are maintained. I am a little sceptical but the current situation is not really working for either pedestrians or drivers.

Re: 2 traffic light controlled crossing in one road…
- D (28th May 2024 - 22:12:05)

There are FOUR pedestrian crossings within less than half a mile. If this isn't good enough nothing ever will.

Re: 2 traffic light controlled crossing in one road…
- Brian Golder (30th May 2024 - 18:38:25)

Get on with it Mary, these traffic lights are going to make Liphook a better place.

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